Comment 1 for bug 1917644

Revision history for this message
Daniel Pham (shin-ichi) wrote :

Hello again,

I re-ran the following commands manually inside the horizon container :

  - sudo -u horizon -s
  - /openstack/venvs/horizon-19.1.7.dev1/bin/ collectstatic --noinput

Despite the warning (WARNING:root:Skipping openstack_dashboard.local.enabled._1699_orchestration_settings because it doesn't have DASHBOARD, PANEL, PANEL_GROUP, or FEATURE defined.) I ran

  - /openstack/venvs/horizon-19.1.7.dev1/bin/ compress --force

After 20 minutes the compression ends well

I update the configuration file of Apache

  - sed -i.old 's/18.1.20/19.1.7/' /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/openstack-dashboard.conf
  - service apache2 reload
  - service apache2 restart

And the inconsistency of Horizon dashboard disappeared.

To complete the script I by pass the Task "Ensure static files are collected and compressed'.

Summary the Task compress works fine but the ansible job never change the file to something like this:
cat /var/lib/horizon/.ansible_async/<job_id>
{"started": 1, "finished": 1, "ansible_job_id": <job_id>}