Comment 7 for bug 1752932

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Logan V (loganv) wrote :

>> I can't seem to test it on my machine, because of credentials (no secrets, nor access to the remote machine). Running bootstrap aio and then copying the user variables, env.d, and group vars fail on the proxy part of the user_variables.yml, which is expected, so i removed that part of your user_variables file.

ahould be able to clone repo, cp -R openstack_deploy /etc, rm /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml... user_secrets is not needed to repro this and its the only vaulted file.

>> Anyway... With all that set, it proves the user_variables, env.d, groups_vars, are not causing this.
It's definitely something that must appear from the inventory/remote node.

yep.. this is reproducible without any of the user_* files present

>> I'd be curious to know if ansible localhost -m debug -a msg="{{ hostvars['lsn-mc1023'] }}" -vvvv has the same problem.

it does.
py3 queens env:
py2 queens env:

>> Also it would be interesting to know why we're using python3 on the node.

We've been using py3 for the ansible-runtime venv for most of the last 2 (pike and queens) cycles:

>> Could you also have a dump of your bootstrap-ansible script?
>> I have the impression we are doing something wrong with python3, and installing stuff that don't matter (with different requirements) using pip instead of pip3.

Full py3 run:
Full py2 run: