Comment 2 for bug 1751722

Revision history for this message
PerToft (per-minfejl) wrote :

A very clever user on #openstack-ansible irc pointed out that the command was executed as a local_action. hence, it was executed on the deployment host - and not on the glance containers as I expected.

It turned out that i has a routing problem with my ansible deployment host, which could not access the ceph mon hosts.

This issue may be closed. However, a helpfull error text describing that the deployment host is not able to access the ceph mons would be nice.

- name: Verify Ceph monitors are up
  local_action: >
    command ssh
    -o ConnectTimeout=6
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
    {{ item }}