Comment 1 for bug 1453599

Revision history for this message
Andy McCrae (andrew-mccrae) wrote :

I can't recreate this.

:~# pip list | grep swift
python-swiftclient (2.3.1)
swift (2.3.0rc1.post23)

:~# swift-recon -q
--> Starting reconnaissance on 4 hosts
[2015-05-14 10:48:24] Checking quarantine
[quarantined_objects] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, total: 0, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 4
[quarantined_accounts] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, total: 0, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 4
[quarantined_containers] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, total: 0, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 4

On 2 separate installs, second install I had swift (2.3.0rc1.post29)

I'm not sure if the swift pip package would be the cause of the issue, it seems unlikely, can you recreate the issue, is this happening on all installs you've seen?