Comment 1 for bug 1426655

Revision history for this message
nexus (nexus.nex) wrote :

I thought it might help stepping through each playbook one at a time. 9.0.5 this time.

success - playbooks/setup/host-setup.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/haproxy-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/memcached-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/galera-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/rabbit-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/rsyslog-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/elasticsearch-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/logstash-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/kibana-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/es2unix-install.yml
success - playbooks/infrastructure/rsyslog-config.yml
success - playbooks/openstack/openstack-common.yml
success - playbooks/openstack/keystone.yml
success - playbooks/openstack/keystone-add-all-services.yml
success - playbooks/openstack/glance-all.yml
success - playbooks/openstack/heat-all.yml
success - playbooks/openstack/nova-all.yml
fail - playbooks/openstack/neutron-all.yml

 TASK: [openstack_common | Get package from git] *******************************
 failed: [infra1_neutron_agents_container-aaf5d1e0] => {"attempts": 5, "cmd": "/usr/bin/git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/fd1221124b8f53a61731e51b5f923af44ec5598f", "failed": true, "rc": 128}
 stderr: fatal: unable to access '': GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

 msg: Task failed as maximum retries was encountered

 TASK: [openstack_common | Get package from fallback git repo] *****************
 failed: [infra1_neutron_agents_container-aaf5d1e0] => {"attempts": 5, "cmd": "/usr/bin/git ls-remote origin -t refs/tags/fd1221124b8f53a61731e51b5f923af44ec5598f", "failed": true, "rc": 128}
 stderr: fatal: unable to access '': GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

 msg: Task failed as maximum retries was encountered

 FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

Surely the other playbooks also use the same method to pull source from github. I don't understand why it's failing only on this container.