Comment 2 for bug 827951

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Pepe Parra (colinap2010) wrote :

Hi Andy

First of all, thanks for that awesome tool Openshot, I really did enjoyed it, it's a pity that now I can't because of this bug. I keep editing my videos as usual, and waiting for this bug to be fixed and eventually be able to export my work.

Although Openshot does not use QT, it indeed uses melt, that at some point, it seems to use QT. I'm not a developer, but I know that QT are graphic libraries, so I was surprised when I saw the output of gdb pointing a libQtCore error that makes melt segfault, as melt is a console tool, not a graphic one. Maybe that libQtCore error comes from some other place, I really don't know, I can only tell you what gdb points out.

The fact is that as melt segfaults, Openshot is not able to use it and so the messsage

"No formats or codecs were found. Please check the OpenShot preferences and configure the 'melt' command name."

is thrown to the user, and no codecs can be used to export the edited file, which makes Openshot useless at that point.

Please don't hesitate to ask me for further information about this bug. Maybe I should contact QT developers and tell them about this, but I don't know how to do it. I found this place clicking the "report a bug" option from Openshot's help menu. I don't know how to reach QT mantainers.

