Comment 69 for bug 520941

Revision history for this message
Bernd Faulstich (bernibaerchen) wrote :

ok... me again. Had some problems with my Ubuntu... or ... never touch a running system :-X
I installed Ubuntu 11.04 from DVD and updated it to 11.10 (32bit). I installed only this

'Add Repository for Skype'
sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner"
'Add Repository for Codecs'
sudo add-apt-repository "deb natty free non-free"
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install thunderbird bluefish gimp phatch vlc quicksynergy filezilla skype hugin virtualbox ffmpeg libavformat-extra-53 openshot phatch

And now there is no problem with any glitches... yet. I will not be too loud... but openshot closed if i try to render a movie after 30% rendered. Problem i zoomed in a clip and that was not good... but i will write this at the other ticket. Thanks for your help.