Comment 12 for bug 520941

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anders musikka (anders-musikka) wrote :

Jürgen: Maybe you have the same problem I had? To determine if this is the case, you could try and change the "length" of the clips, so that you don't use the very end of any of the raw clips.

For instance, you could take the resize-clip tool and resize all the .avi- and .ogg-clips, so that they are 0.25 seconds shorter than they were.

This fixes the problem for me. The reason is that the underlying problem in my case was that transitions (fade-ins, fade-outs, mixings, etc) were being timed correctly, but since the clip lengths weren't rendered correctly, the clip no longer matched the transition, leading to the kind of glitches described in this bug report.

Not using the ends of the clip is actually a rather viable work-around. But maybe you have a different problem.