Comment 5 for bug 389387

Revision history for this message
Yug (hugolpz) wrote :

Maybe that come from this (copy from my terminal):
 Downloading OpenShot from bazaar
 Do you want to Replace the ~/openshot Directory [Y/n]? y
 You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to
 write to Launchpad or access private data. See "bzr help launchpad-login".
 ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 174, in <module>'bzr branch lp:openshot ~/openshot', shell=True)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 444, in call
     return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1123, in wait
     pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
 yug@yug:~/openshot_wizard$ bzr: interrupted

I hope this will help you to fix this issue ;)

Ok, I now want to try your soft, so I will try with 32bites. hoping that will be easier O.o
