Comment 2 for bug 1246976

Revision history for this message
Michael Hurt (midnight-star) wrote :

To be honest, I'm sure which version the individual libraries were. The initial problem I was having (the reason I upgraded my computers here), wasn't related to OpenShot specifically - it consisted of the HDMI audio port wasn't recognized/working. On the same 64bit system (the one in this bug report), I believe the HDMI problem was around Ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04LTS. I upgraded to 12.10, then upto 13.04. The upgrade was more of a "release" level upgrade rather than individual libraries like MLT (by itself). The upgrade seemed to solve the HDMI problem (HDMI wasn't recognized as an audio port on the RADEON card but is now), but somehow opened up other problems. I'm not sure, overall, if it's completely related - here's a few things I noticed:

1) StopMotion crashed when camera was activated (also a segmentation fault) but worked prior to upgrading. Following a bug report, the parameters passed to the underlying "capture" program from StopMotion, had somehow gotten nulled out. Adding the missing parameters manually back in seemed fixed it. So I ruled this one out as being a build problem with either the software or Ubuntu release.

2) The audio record quality on the 64bit system is terrible and bugged - makes getting a clean recording almost impossible (the same Ubuntu release 13.10 has no such problems on a 32bit single core system). Not sure if the problem is 32bit chips and 64bit libraries. For my audio recording I had to revert back to a much slower 1.8ghz cpu and 32bit system. Strange notes there include not being able to get a high enough recording volume (64bit system) using Audacity (it barely shows any sound level being recorded even when pre-amping it up full). When the audio is recorded, it's well under the clipping range, but during playback sounds like it's been recorded with the input gain too high (clipping sounds like a light static or suble pops). When the same audio clip is loaded into OpenShot, exported to a video, then the video reloaded back into Audacity to extract the audio, the audio is showing as being clipped instead of being at the same exported volume. It's like the audio volume has just been doubled. It's almost like a data problem where two different programs are "seeing" the same thing in the audio differently, or one isn't using all the available data values the same as the other.

3) Running OpenShot from the command line displays "Seg fault" when it crashes - after saving then trying to change the playback position of the current project. (this bug report).

However, in both the 64bit and 32bit systems if the current application (noticed with Audacity and OpenShot) isn't allowed to complete it's current function before starting a new one (for example, like clicking "stop" while recording and not giving it time that to complete (whether buffering or allocating memory/staging to swap), then clicking "back to start", Audacity will hang. The same with OpenShot. This made me think it was something with the underlying libraries of both. With OpenShot, if I was playing back the current project, clicked "stop" then immediately clicked "back to start", OpenShot would hang - if I didn't wait until "stop" had completed. That same behaviour exists with other applications also. To me, this is an underlying shared library or os problem somewhere.

Sorry for making this so long, but I trying to give you a full picture of the things I'd noticed so far (the applications I used the most), and hopefully help isolate a overlaying library that might be causing the problem.