Comment 2 for bug 1132363

Revision history for this message
Paulo Siqueira (paulo-siqueira) wrote :

I have the sane problem. The exported file looks bad, but the original files are perfect. I recorded my screen on 1366 x 768 - which is my native resolution. More info:

Bug Date : Today
Reporter : Me
Architecture (64 bits or 32 bits) : 64 bits
Plateform (Linux, Windows, Mac OSX) : Linux
Operating System: Ubuntu
Version OS : 12.04
Installation Method : I followed insttructions here:
Version of Openshot installed : Openshot 1.4.3
FFmpeg version : 0.8.6-4:0.8.6-0ubuntu0.12.04.1
Summary/Description: I'm recording screencasts with kazam, the recorded files are fine. Creating a project and then exporting it to any format always generates distorted video files.
Steps to reproduce: just create any project with screen recorded in 1366 x 768 and try to export it