Comment 0 for bug 38211

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John Doe (johndoedoejohn) wrote : Bullets are not retained when document is saved in plain text.

When using bulleted lists in's Writer and saving the document in plain text, bullets are not converted to anything, such as asterisks, in the plain text and are just left out. I tested this in Ubuntu 5.10's included Writer and in Ubuntu Dapper Flight 6's Writer (ubuntu package version 2.0.2-1ubuntu6).

Reproducing this:

1. Open's Writer. (Applications -> Office -> Writer)

2. In the blank document enter the following 3 lines:
list item one
list item two
list item three

3. Highlight the three lines and click the "Bullets" button on the toolbar to make that list be a bulleted list.

You'll see bullets in front of each item on the list.

4. Now, click File, then Save As, and save the document as a plain text document (for example: "bullets.txt")

5. In the Nautilus file manager, navigate to where you saved the plain text file and double-click on it and it would open in "gedit".

There are no bullets (which could be represented by asterisks) in front of the 3 lines in the plain text version of the file.