Comment 11 for bug 922024

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Ravi Gohil (OpenERP) (rgo-openerp) wrote :


I checked the issue and found that this issue should be fixed from server side. What I found in my investigation is,
with --no-database-list option, 'AccessDenied' exception is raised from(/server/openerp/service/, line#319) and with xmlrpc, it is handled at /server/openerp/wsgi/, line#133 by setting faultCode as 'AccessDenied' which is passed to GTK-Client and GTK-Client handles this faultCode(by checking, if e.faultCode == 'AccessDenied') and returns None.

But in case of netrpc, after raising AccessDenied, a string is returned as 'AccessDenied Access denied.' by server(file server/openerp/service/, line#99) and this string will be set as faultCode by GTK-Client(file client/bin/, line#108), and this fault code isn't handled by GTK-Client and will not return any thing.

So, on the basis of my above investigation, I am assigning this to server and will propose a fix soon by passing correct faultCode from server.
