Comment 4 for bug 813238

Revision history for this message
Naresh(OpenERP) (nch-openerp) wrote :

Hello Kevin, Amit

This seems interesting use case and I think you are missing some functional aspect here.
kevin started by login in with user "Kevin" then created customer payment term and delivery method and saved them. now as these both fields are property fields they will be saved along with the company_id of the current logged in user.(ir.properrty has a M20 to company_id).
So next Kevin logs out and logs in with user Auckland and does not sees the properties that he created this is true and the reason is the ir_property table with return only those values that are related to current user company that is logged in. As here Auckland company does not have any entry yet in the table so it returns blank.

Work Around : Try to change the company of Auckland to user kevins company and you will get the properties.

I hope you understood what I meant.

correct me if I am missing something !
