Comment 3 for bug 393858

Revision history for this message
Márcio Santos (marcio.santos) wrote :

Still seeing the same error.

Before :

select name,module,count(*) from ir_model_data group by name,module having count(1)>1;
           name | module | count
 field_ir_actions_type | base | 2
 field_ir_model_access_ids | base | 2
 field_ir_model_field_id | base | 2
 field_ir_actions_name | base | 2
 field_ir_model_state | base | 2
 field_ir_model_info | base | 2
 field_ir_actions_usage | base | 2
 field_ir_model_name | base | 2
 field_ir_model_model | base | 2
(9 rows)

After :

select name,module,count(*) from ir_model_data group by name,module having count(1)>1;
           name | module | count
 field_ir_actions_type | base | 2
 field_ir_model_access_ids | base | 2
 field_ir_model_field_id | base | 2
 field_ir_actions_name | base | 2
 field_ir_model_state | base | 2
 field_ir_model_info | base | 2
 field_ir_actions_usage | base | 2
 field_ir_model_name | base | 2
 field_ir_model_model | base | 2
(9 rows)

Log file from running : /opt/openerp-server/bin/ -dtesting --update=all --stop-after-init --log-level=debug --addons-path=/opt/openerp-addons

[2009-08-03 12:25:52,680] DEBUG:sql:bad query: alter table "ir_model_data" add constraint "ir_model_data_module_name_uniq" unique(name, module)
[2009-08-03 12:25:52,680] DEBUG:sql:[01]: could not create unique index "ir_model_data_module_name_uniq"
[2009-08-03 12:25:52,680] DEBUG:sql:[02]: DETAIL: Table contains duplicated values.
[2009-08-03 12:25:52,680] WARNING:orm:[01]: unable to add 'unique(name, module)' constraint on table ir_model_data !
[2009-08-03 12:25:52,680] WARNING:orm:[02]: If you want to have it, you should update the records and execute manually:
[2009-08-03 12:25:52,680] WARNING:orm:[03]: ALTER table ir_model_data ADD CONSTRAINT ir_model_data_module_name_uniq unique(name, module)


Server Stable Branch Revision 1827
Addons Stable Branch Revision 2405

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS