Comment 6 for bug 322964

Revision history for this message
mchevallier (marc-chevallier) wrote :

I found the same workaround (, but described in order to enable beginners like me to understand really what is to do :)

Works well !


Troubles with Python releases: Python 2.6 is not yet supported by OpenERP 5.0, but it is the default Python release on Ubuntu 9.0.4. We need to launch OpenERP 5.0 with Python 2.5 or earlier. There’s also a problem with python-xml package in Ubuntu so we will reinstall it.

Python 2.5 setting up:

    $ sudo apt-get install python2.5 python2.5-dev python-profiler

Reinstall python-xml:

    $ wget

    $ tar xvzf PyXML-0.8.4.tar.gz

    $ cd PyXML-0.8.4/

    $ sudo python2.5 install

Make the following symbolic link:

    $ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils/ /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils/

Force openerp-server to be launched with Python2.5:

    $ cd /usr/bin/

    $ sudo cp openerp-server openerp-server.ORIG

    $ sudo vi openerp-server

Replace the following line:

    exec /usr/bin/python ./ $@


    exec /usr/bin/python2.5 ./ $@

We can now restart openerp-server:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/openerp-server restart

    Restarting openerp-server: openerp-server.

Check out the logs:

    $ sudo cat /var/log/openerp.log

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,314] INFO:server:version – 5.0.0

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,314] INFO:server:addons_path – /usr/lib/openerp-server/addons

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,314] INFO:server:database hostname – localhost

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,315] INFO:server:database port – 5432

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,315] INFO:server:database user – openerp

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,315] INFO:objects:initialising distributed objects services

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,502] INFO:web-services:starting XML-RPC services, port 8069

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,502] INFO:web-services:starting NET-RPC service, port 8070

    [2009-06-14 21:06:39,502] INFO:web-services:the server is running, waiting for connections…