Comment 12 for bug 1127193

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Marco (m-rauchenstein) wrote :

Solution on Windows 2012 x64 for OpenERP 7.0:

- Download the Xpdf tools from <a href="">Link here</a>

(I used the precompiled binaries for Windows: xpdfbin-win-3.03)

- Create directory: C:/Program Files/Xpdf

- Copy the files from the extracted zip file based on your OS/Plattform from (bin32 or bin64) to the created directory

- Add environment variable to Windows for the program path C:/Program Files/Xpdf

- restart OpenERP 7.0 service

done :-)

Hint: I did not use the config-template file for the Xpdf tools. Maybe you will need to configure this file if you have advanced requirements