Comment 5 for bug 1121950

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Togar Hutabarat (to-garnet) wrote :

Hi all..

I also have this problem in our client's company (I work currently as a consultant in an OpenERP Partner for Indonesia: ADSOFT).
This bug can be fixed by modifying default Record Rules for object (Company). Actually I'm using OpenERP v6.1 while doing this settings, I think it will work for v7.0 as well. Here is the step.
1. Open Record Rules' Menu from Menu > Settings > Security > Record Rules.
2. Open record rules for object "".
3. Inside text box "Rule definition (domain filter)" you will find rule "[('id','child_of',[])]". Delete the value so the text box will be empty, save.
4. Log in with user you've created before then check the Allowed Companies for that users. The other company should be appear.

NB: Please notice that this access rule configuration will back to it's default settings if you restart the server and update module "base". If you want to keep this configuration, you can create and install a simple tiny module that replace the rule (id=res_company_rule) and empty the "domain force" tag. The XML script will be like below..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<data noupdate="0">
    <record id="res_company_rule" model="ir.rule">
        <field name="name">company rule</field>
        <field model="ir.model" name="model_id" ref="model_res_company"/>
        <field eval="True" name="global"/>
        <field name="domain_force"></field>

Sorry for my bad English.
ADSOFT - OpenERP Partner for Indonesia