Comment 0 for bug 1100907

Revision history for this message
Christophe Combelles (ccomb) wrote : bad raise depending on user data

On latest 7.0 branch :

- create an empty database
- install the 'sale' app
- enable user CSV import in the settings
- enable pricelists in the sale config
- Create a file pricelist.csv containing :

"True","6","EUR (€)","list3","Public Pricelist -3%","True","","sale","Public Pricelist Version -3%"

- Select this file in the import wizard of the pricelist list view.
- click on Validate

=> traceback

  File "/home/dadafkas/projets/anybox/buildout.7.0/parts/openobject-server/7.0/openerp/osv/", line 1483, in _log
    message=unicode(exception.args[0]) % base)
ValueError: unsupported format character ''' (0x27) at index 67

The problem comes from the '%' in the user data, being interpreted by the % formatting of the string in :

The quickfix is to replace:
value.replace('%', '%%')