Comment 0 for bug 1089902

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Cedric Le Brouster(OpenFire) (cedric-lebrouster) wrote :

This problem occurs when a fields.function has another fields.function in its store={} parameter. When the first function is never called next to the second one.

For example :

class A:
    'a_value' : fields.function(_update_value,
                                                  store={'class_b' : [_function,'b_value',10]},
                                                  method=True, type='integer', string='value')

class B:
    'b_value' : fields.function(_update_value,
                                                  store={'class_c' : [_function,'c_value',10]},
                                                  method=True, type='integer', string='value')

class C:
    'c_value' : fields.integer('value')

Here, changing a c_value would change the b_value, but not the a_value.
(With b_value set as readonly='false', we could change it manually and see that the a_value is correctly recalculated.)

Tested with nightly build : openerp-6.1-20121213-004437