I cannot repeat this bug. Last line of bug trace says that it is a problem in character codes in note field which is of type Text. I have checked all my national characters in that field and it was no problem.
Something is telling me that such problem arise when you try to enter national characters directly in Python code in fields _(śęłćóꥌĆĘŁÓŻŹ). There are some texts for history which must be left in english fe. _(Parameters set to:). Translation for such field must be privided by usual translation tools in PO file. It is only suspection but can you tell me how did you translate texts appearing in notes of Initial values for history? (If did so at all).
Can you show me "Initial value" wizard window before you get this error?
I cannot repeat this bug. Last line of bug trace says that it is a problem in character codes in note field which is of type Text. I have checked all my national characters in that field and it was no problem.
Something is telling me that such problem arise when you try to enter national characters directly in Python code in fields _(śęłćóꥌĆĘŁÓŻŹ). There are some texts for history which must be left in english fe. _(Parameters set to:). Translation for such field must be privided by usual translation tools in PO file. It is only suspection but can you tell me how did you translate texts appearing in notes of Initial values for history? (If did so at all).
Can you show me "Initial value" wizard window before you get this error?