Comment 6 for bug 307718

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Raphaël Valyi - (rvalyi) wrote :

Some experiments with a real near-production database:

With a limit of 80 products in the product list, opening a product form taks 5''90 (nearly 6 seconds, far too much!)

But if I decrease that number of records, here is the figures I'm getting:

80 records -> time: 5''90
40 records -> time: 3''
20 records -> time: 1''60
10 records -> time: 0''80

1 record -> time 0''18

So I mean, this is nothing like 'it will be the same single request for Posgres...' No, th reality is that the number of records in the list makes the time to open the first product form almost linear (nothing like almost time constant). So I mean it does matter. Decreasing the number of records to around 20 for us in that form might be an acceptable workaround for us, but I mean, this is certainly an hot topic for you.

Oh, by the way, it means that if you weren't pre-caching the all the records at the first request, switching to the next ond previous records here will only take around 0.18 seconds so I mean this would probably be far more acceptable than the 6 seonds lag at first access. Sorry, but can't really understand your default choice, I mean at least letting a per-action window choice would be great.

Hope this helps,

Raphaël Valyi.