Comment 5 for bug 307718

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Raphaël Valyi - (rvalyi) wrote :

May be a good policy might be to load python non cached computed fields in form views only when loading the form record, so you would benefit both:
* load static fields for all the listed records in a single Postgres Query
* load load the form view very quickly, be it the product form view or an other one

BTW, this might not be a priority for v5. And there is the workaround of using eTiny or decreasing the number of listed recored for products (or removing the problematic fields), but I think (and our customer too) that this is annoying, and we thought that much before discovering the reason why it's so slow. So may be good to scope it for the very next version. You might also add a flag that would disable the "load the world" behavior at the window action level and we would typically do it for the product list when stock management is loaded. That might even be a temporary workaround. Anyway, I understand you have things more urgent to do, like the final release, so no problem with you not scoping it for 5.0 final.


Raphaël Valyi.