Comment 52 for bug 705312

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ksh (Axelor) (ksh-axelor) wrote : Re: Sometimes, when you click on an item in a tree view, you get a Menu object

Hello everyone,

      I want to add some more details, which may lead us to solution.
             When we run webclient behind proxy
             When we click on any application menu (say 'Accounting'), it will load all its menu (left accordian) requesting SERVER-PATH/openerp/tree/data.
     And if some (one or more) of these requests SERVER-PATH/openerp/tree/data is failed with response `502 Bad Gateway error`,
             then due to this request fail,the <li id="content_PARENT_MENU" class="accordion-content">, where PARENT_MENU is the root item for which request fails
             a hidden <form> is injected into the DOM, Which contains some hiddens (may be grom screen widget!) _terp_model = '', _terp_domain = '[(parent_id, '=', PARENT_MENU_ID)]', _terp_context, _terp_view etc.(this <form> injection will be performed for each request which fails in that menu list)

             So when, user click on any list item in search-view, DOM operation will get _terp_model's value as, which will lead to form.

             I have tried to fix this issue with following apache settings:
             Timeout 5400
      ProxyTimeout 5400

    Note: 1. This situation will also produce search bug, you will not be able to search on any field other then name!(because name field is avaliable in, as model passed in /openerp/search/eval_domain_filter is ''.
    2. I observed error mostly occurs when Application Menu has large number if menus.

         @Xavier ALT, your trace helped me to found the cause, thank you.