Comment 16 for bug 501297

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Nhomar - Vauxoo (nhomar) wrote : Re: [Bug 501297] Re: UI Useability Improvement propositions

I think Both blueprint that fabien attached are so great!...

In other hands, i agree with Raphaël Valyi, we need to put all effort to
make the 5.2 version more strong an solid.

In our expirence "for now" when the final user needs some improvement, we
pray for the _ Concept works fine _ when you program, there are so much
bugs to repair yet and "Simples Blueprint" to develop, we think if we put
our efforts to make really solid and stable both clients, to the next Year,
and develop this improvements fo the 6.0 version would be great!

The tools that has better usability is what you better knows, the
Documentation is vital, we need mathmatical examples, functional examples,
test concept, but some times proof a simple CRM concept Linked with Project
for example without documentation of this CONCEPT left only the option of
read code!! and reading the code to an python programer that doesn't know
nothing about CRM or only a little bit is so difficult....

For example:

It is a great improvement.... but we need dedicate, 50% of time in
pogramming, and 50% on explain the concept.... if we make the improve only
and commint the change, only a pogrammer will understand the objective, an
make the relaton with th real world would take month!

And TEST TEST TEST TEST, all the _actual_ functionality

2009/12/30 Ana Juaristi Olalde <email address hidden>

> Hi!!!
> New search menus: I think that only having the possibility of searching
> with "or" operator is a great advantage.
> I agree with Nhomar that making so big changes on their daily working
> way will suppose a first viewing shock on most than one final user.
> Usability improvements on sales order screen... Is that pointed line a
> drag and drop functionality from right products list to the sales order
> line? If it is... thats really great. IMHO in some little companies
> where they have to include order lines in a quick way, it will be much
> more usefull using editable grids on order lines, than using New button
> and opening a new screen (same functionality that is built by now on POS
> module)... so having the posibility of drag and drop the product
> directly is almost better than using the grid. Both together would be
> impressive.
> Another big improvent on sales order would be, having the possibility of
> consulting the real and virtual stock of each product directly when
> salesman is creating the order, without having to open a new windows to
> consult the data. I can see, on the right list of new screen there is
> some numbers with different colors that it seems to be the stock of
> product... so this improvement would be also solved if it is like
> that...
> Great news and great job... Congratulations!!
> Ana
> --
> UI Useability Improvement propositions
> You received this bug notification because you are subscribed to
> OpenObject.
> Status in OpenObject Web Client: Confirmed
> Bug description:
> We are working with useability experts to improve the user interface of the
> v5.2 fo OpenERP. Our deadlines:
> - January 2010 : finish all wireframes and start developments
> - February 2010: finish all designs
> We made some very early drafts wireframes to show you some ideas. The
> biggest changes:
> Search Views
> -----------------
> In trunk, we have new search views that can integrate buttons, business
> logic, custom filters, ... You can design custom search views per object.
> The search elements can change the domain (filter on records) or the context
> (change the values displayed of computed fields: example: the stock real and
> virtual depends on the selected warehouse in the search view of products.)
> Relational fields are available as selection box, where you can select or
> write text.The search view integrates custom filters, ability to create
> shortcuts, ...
> See the attached screenshot for more info. It already works in trunk GTK
> and web client.
> Menus
> ---------
> We'd like to change how OpenERP is perceived. Instead of being a "Global
> ERP that does everything", we'd like to change our image into a "Suite of
> Integrated Management Applications". The homepage, after the login, allows
> you to choose in which 'application' you want to work: Project Management,
> Accounting, ...
> After entering in an application, you see the menu of this application that
> always remains on the left side. All applications are visible on the above
> tabs. Someone can set is default application in his preferences. (a
> developper will remain in the Projact Management application and default to
> a context which is his current project).
> When you are in an 'application', you can set a default context. For
> example, in project management, you can select a project. Then all menus
> (bugs, tasks, features requests, wiki specifications, ...) automatically
> filters on this project. You may not select any project and you will see all
> tasks (like currently).
> For example, in the sales management tab, the context will be the
> department (case section) you are working in.
> Note, that this is just for the useability of the user interface. It
> doesn't change the way all objects are integrated together in OpenERP.
> In attached files, you have a draft wireframe design of this new UI and a
> sample .ODS file that describe the new menu structure.
> Dashboards
> ---------------
> We designed more collaborative dashboards (notes on projects, discussions,
> ...)
> Lists
> ------
> We will improve a lot the design of elements in a list. The attachment
> system will be simplified a lot, see the bottom right corner (normally on
> forms, not on lists). We don't open anymore the list/form of attachement.
> * This is the first draft, I just received a completly different
> proposition from an other useability expert. Everything is still under
> discussion, feel free to contribute/propose others designs.

Nhomar G. Hernandez M.
+58-212-9536734 ext 124
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