Comment 13 for bug 501297

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Ana Juaristi Olalde (ajuaristio) wrote :


New search menus: I think that only having the possibility of searching with "or" operator is a great advantage.

I agree with Nhomar that making so big changes on their daily working way will suppose a first viewing shock on most than one final user.

Usability improvements on sales order screen... Is that pointed line a drag and drop functionality from right products list to the sales order line? If it is... thats really great. IMHO in some little companies where they have to include order lines in a quick way, it will be much more usefull using editable grids on order lines, than using New button and opening a new screen (same functionality that is built by now on POS module)... so having the posibility of drag and drop the product directly is almost better than using the grid. Both together would be impressive.

Another big improvent on sales order would be, having the possibility of consulting the real and virtual stock of each product directly when salesman is creating the order, without having to open a new windows to consult the data. I can see, on the right list of new screen there is some numbers with different colors that it seems to be the stock of product... so this improvement would be also solved if it is like that...

Great news and great job... Congratulations!!
