Comment 19 for bug 514808

Revision history for this message
Borja López Soilán (NeoPolus) (borjals) wrote :

Ferdinand: Yes, 18 of 100% usage of one CPU core (50% usage total as it doesn't use the second core) at normal priority.

Using a database with 10000 moves with 2 lines each.

It does about 2 SELECTs per move line (2x2000 => 40000 queries), plus 3 more related queries per move line (3 x 20000 => 60000 queries), plus some extra queries on translations and such (12000 more). But as I said, the 112000 queries are pretty quick: just about 45s!

The other 17 minutes (and >350mb of ram) are spent by the OpenERP python thread. It may be a problem with the RML engine itself: Maybe it does not scale well, or maybe it is lossing (not freeing) resources.