Comment 3 for bug 912631

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Nhomar - Vauxoo (nhomar) wrote :

Hello Amit.

>>You mean if we don't assign a stock valuation account in product category then it will check the account of it's parent category.
Yes this is exactly what Hbto is trying to say.

I think:

If we have:
Category A
--Category A.1

Category A Properties: ACC1 - ACC2 - ACC3 .....
Category A.1 Properties: ACC3 - "False" - "False" - .....

If we have some operation wit a product correspondint to Category A.1 it will take for operations: ACC3 - ACC2 - ACC3.

Righ now Categories on products are JUST usable for Accounting porpose nothing more, if we don't have this feature in this way, in implementations with a lot of products, will be almost imposible detect the leak of an account, but if you functionally clasified well your product you can work without problem from an accounting POV.

In Order to explain better:

Now search account properties is in this way:

Account on product > Accounts on Category > Message of Error:

We propose:

Account on product > Accounts on Category > Accounts on Parent Category [Recursivally] > MEssage of Error:

Do You get our point?

Thanks a lot for your time.
