Comment 6 for bug 733156

Revision history for this message
Francisco Pascual -- Ting! (francisco-pascual) wrote :

You can find attached a video we have recorded of the anormal functionality of the standard MRP modules with lots.

If I select a product to consume, click in the "folder icon" of the record and introduce the corresponding lot, two different behaviours happen when:

- I directly click in the "right arrow" icon of the list of products to consume the system automatically creates one different lot for each one of units of the product.
* You can see the example in the video with the product "Huevos"

- If I press "Process now" in the pop-up of the record, it works well, moving all the units to consume for the specified product in the lot selected.
* You can see the example in the video with the product "Jamon York"

As you can see in the example also, when I change the quantity to consume in the information of the product, automatically is well updated in the list. But clicking in the wizard with the "right arrow" the quantity returns to the original value... and crashes our server (I don't know if due to the wrong change or due to the high amount of product to consume)
