Comment 2 for bug 667246

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Milan Tribuson (milan-infokom) wrote :

I think I've found a similar bug when I create act_window action that will open invoices from sale order with code:
<act_window domain="[('origin','=',name)]" id="sale_order_invoice_view" view_id="account.invoice_form" name="Invoices" res_model="account.invoice" src_model="sale.order"/>
I will be able to open the created list in a tree view, but when I go into that invoice (into form view) I will only be able to select purchase journals even though it is a customer invoice. I think it is a problem because it is opened in the account.invoice view for suppliers, and not for customers. Adding context="{'type': 'out_invoice'}" doesn't help.
The same thing is in the normal installation of OpenERP. When you install minimal configuration and you add sale module (and other modules that are related) you can go to partner form and you'll have an Invoices action that will open invoices for that partner. It opens a tree view with invoices and it works fine but when you go into one invoice (open and invoice form) you will be able to choose only purchase journals (and purchase partners etc...).