Comment 0 for bug 662493

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Nhomar - Vauxoo (nhomar) wrote : [TRUNK and 5.0]report engine is not taking correctly string pýthon functions


We detected this error some time ago.

As we know yo can put on line python functions between [[ ]] and on rml reports this was evaluated, at least until V5.0.12, right, we used this to take o the 2 first letters to the VAT number, for example in a report, the Vat number is in this way, VEJ123456789, for european countrie it is BEXXXXXXXXX, the 2 first letters are not necesary on some reports for this reason we use this on reports.

[[ o.partner_id.vat[2:] ]]

Last time it works was in 5.0.12, right now this kind of simply python functions on string are not working, and no error and no traceback...


How do i can try it?.

Use the report "Overdue Payment" on partner.

For trunk_

In line 102:
          <para style="terp_default_9">[[ addr['street'] ]]</para>
replace by
          <para style="terp_default_9">[[ addr['street'][:4] ]]</para>

Go to customers> select China Export> Overdue Payments on Reports.

Originaly it return:
52 Chop Suey street (PDF1)

With change it should return only the first 4 elements on string, I mean: "52 C" against this It is returning the function as if it have an error on sintax.(PDF2)

You can try in V5 too, i dont think we need to develop a "parser" for a than simply function...

If you try other like "upper()" this are working fne, speccially i don't know why it is happening.
