Comment 31 for bug 613286

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invitu (invitu) wrote :

Dear Quentin

First I apologize for our insistence on this bug.

This bug has made us write a lot and took us much time to explain where the problem is..., we will go on

We think that taking the cost price of the day instead of the historical cost in average price mode is a big mistake that has been done in the very beginning of the development. I should be corrected as the average cost price still features in the core.

* "it introduces schema changes", you're right. But I don't agree on your argument saying we are in RC... have a look at the date when we opened the bug... october 2010...
* The fact that fixing it is "difficult in a proper way" is a result as the bug was not well understood in the beginning and should not be taken as a good reason for putting this bug in "won't fix" state
* By the way, this bug affects A LOT use case when average price is used for products for reasons we already exposed.
* Of course, the default value can be changed by the user... but how can the user get the real value even if he has to enter it manually ? Does it mean that he should remember the cost price for each product he sells in the case the customer would return it ? Our customers don't agree...

We understand that the V6 is about to be released and you (OpenERP SA) don't have time enough to fix it in a good way... but please don't put it as "won't fix"... I am sure that everybody would understand a "delay" (as it actually does) but a "won't fix"... not sure

Finally, I have to correct your words "improved" and "feature" by "fixed" and "correct behaviour"

The feedback website (that is a good way to evaluate customers' needs) should not be used for fixing bugs... I hope it won't be a launchpad bis.

Best regards
