Comment 12 for bug 610738

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Nhomar - Vauxoo (nhomar) wrote : Re: [5.0] return products to supplier does not update price average

@ Fabien.

The equation:

(Qty Rcvd * PO Price + Existing Qty * Current Cost) / (Qty Rcvd + Existing Qty).

Is correct with Purchase goods procedure.

In return sale equation is:

(Qty Rcvd * transaction Cost Used + Existing Qty * Current Cost) / (Qty Rcvd + Existing Qty).

In return purchase equation is:

(Existing Qty * Current Cost - Qty deliv * PO Price) / (Existing Qty - Qty deliv ).

i'm surprissed you didn't find support for this if when somebody studies average cost calculation this is a basic exampĺe in how to do that.

Te problem is the "Cost proposed" only this, we can develop somthing extra to be able to correct the "Purchase return" pocess because it can be more dificult but the anoher one is very plain to solve.

I hope it can help.