Comment 2 for bug 532728

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Jay Vora (Serpent Consulting Services) (jayvora) wrote :

Hello Lionel,

Isn't this an issue of useability? Or I can say a configuration mistake.

Thinking about groups functionally, only those users can edit X field,if user has the rights to access that X field.

This is the case of onchange ONLY,where it can update the field,but when you press OK,it will only send the values of DISPLAYED field to the server for DB operations.

So, as a result;you do not get uos field updated. Reason: UOS group protects the display of that field.

Probable solutions:
1. Assign group to the user.
2. Remove group from the field restrictions(all can see the field, but it may lead to company policy).
3. Client behavior has to be changed for letting onchange values to be sent for DB opeartions.

I vote for 1 or 2.

Your views please.
