Comment 18 for bug 515507

Revision history for this message
Greg (greg-apieum) wrote :

Thanks Olivier for this summary.

>Speaking of code, Greg and Xavier I have a question about what you merged in trunk (rev 3058), specifically this test at >document_ftp/ftpserver/
> if HOST.lower() == 'none':
>Hrm ... what exactly are you trying to achieve?

If you set ftp_server_host to "none" (HOST var) in the config file, FTP Server don't start.

> Cannot desactivate FTP on DMS !
I agree that the solution isn't the best one, but now you can desactivate FTP server. ;-)

>In any case this doesn't look right, if only because 'none' could very well be a valid DNS alias for a local IP (people have >strange nicknames for their computers sometimes)

I've a database with more than 2 millions hosts names (60% from US, 20% from asia, 20% from europa) and never found an host called "none".
Even if someone choose this strange name, he can set the IP adress directly.

Finally, I needed to desactivate FTP on mine servers, so I've done this job few months ago (from 5.0.1 server version) and when I saw Xavier patch looks like mine (I had exactly the same code), I just decided to push what I use even if I know that's not what we can expect for a professionnal ERP.

Sorry I found this solution (setting host to none) simple and functional, but I'm weird about your proposals. :-)
why not an other settings like disable_ftp_server ? - if you think that really make a difference -

have a nice day.

PS:Thanks for guidelines (I'm not concerned but it's interesting).