Comment 2 for bug 511394

Revision history for this message
xrg (xrg) wrote : Re: [Bug 511394] [NEW] trunk document_webdav config parameters

On Saturday 23 January 2010, you wrote:
> Public bug reported:
> pls add to module description which parameters are expected to be in
> [webdav]

Sorry, mea culpa (for not documenting it). Still, I think there is not much to
configure there..
Here is the params, with the /default/ value:

; enable = True ; Serve webdav over the http(s) servers
; vdir = webdav ; the directory that webdav will be served at
  ; this default val means that webdav will be
  ; on "http://localhost:8069/webdav/
; verbose = True ; Turn on the verbose messages of webdav
; debug = True ; Turn on the debugging messages of webdav
  ; since the messages are routed to the python logging, with
  ; levels "debug" and "debug_rpc" respectively, you can leave
  ; these options on

The only interesting one would be the "enable", which would let you turn off
webdav, even if the module is installed. The http options, interface, port and
authentication are the *same* with the XML-RPC server (they share the same
infrastructure, since v6). The design choice was because I thought that one
http server (+ one https ) would be better to handle, setup and perhaps proxy
through firewalls than separate ones for each service. Moreover, there is a
symmetric behavior for https now, and modules can register extra services at
that http server.

So, webdav will really depend on the "http" servers of openerp-server. There
is more to configure there!
At that point, my 'xrg' and 'pg84' branches differ in setup from the 'trunk'
Example for *xrg* branches:
; --------------------
; enable = True ; enable this server
; interface = None ; or
  ; the IPv4 of the interface that http (non-ssl) will
  ; listen to. example if we only want our intranet
; port = 8069 ; the port to listen to

; Config for the SSL server
; enable = False ; By default, ssl is disabled, because
     ; it wouldn't work unless you set the certs.
; interface = None
; port = 8071 ; note that NaN's Pyro uses that, too :(
; sslcert = ssl/server.cert ; the SSL certificate (public) file.
; sslkey = ssl/server.key ; the private key for the SSL certificate
  ; Note that cert, key may be better at /etc/openerp/ssl/server.*

; enable = True ; with False, you can run the http servers without
     ; the xml-rpc service...
; ssl_require = False ; If set, xml-rpc will only work on httpsd.
     ; By default, works on both servers (if they are on)

[xmlrpc2] ; That is pg84-only feature
; enable = True
; ssl_require = False

; This is a mini-server that can display html pages to any client that
; will perform a GET at our http port
; enable = False
; dir_path = False ; *must* set to /var/openerp/www or something
; base_path = / ; path of the http request,
    ; slash means http://localhost:8069/

[options] ; the general section of openerp-server.conf
; these are merely for backwards compatibility
httpd_interface= None ; alias for httpd.interface
httpd_port= None ; alias for httpd.port
httpds_interface= None ; alias for httpsd.interface
httpds_port= None ; alias for httpsd.port
httpd= None ; alias for httpd.enable
httpds= None ; alias for httpsd.enable
netrpc_interface= None ; alias for netrpcd.interface
netrpc_port= None ; alias for netrpcd.port
netrpc= None ; alias for netrpcd.enable
secure_cert_file= None ; alias for httpsd.sslcert
secure_pkey_file= None ; alias for httpsd.sslkey

Now, the options for the *trunk* are:
; -------------------
xmlrpc_interface= None ; equiv to httpd.interface above
xmlrpc_port= None ; equiv to httpd.port above
xmlrpcs_interface= None ; equiv to httpsd.interface above
xmlrpcs_port= None ; equiv to httpsd.port above
xmlrpcd= None ; equiv to httpd.enable above
xmlrpcs= None ; equiv to httpsd.enable above

; note that there is no [http] sections or so.

; sslcert=
; sslkey=
; Same as above..

; this section is being merged from the xrg branch to main, see above

; --------------------
PS. I hope this helps..