Comment 37 for bug 511104

Revision history for this message
Joël Grand-Guillaume @ camptocamp (jgrandguillaume-c2c) wrote :

Hi vra,

Thanks for coming back on this one ! I just tested it with OERPScenario and it seems that we still have the same trouble I reported on #34.

The last residual amount is stil <> 0.0. I remember you the currency exchange rate to use are described in #12.

I also remember you of the document I wrote on #30. This one will help you to test the result of your patch, to know if it's good or not.

Here is the traceback I got :

Scenario: Make payments in different currency with the pay invoice wizard
    Given I have recorded on the 1 jan 2009 a supplier invoice (in_invoice) of 1000,0 CHF without tax called
    When I press the validate button
    Then I should see the invoice MySupplierInvoicePayWizard open
    When I call the Pay invoice wizard
    And I partially pay 200.0 CHF.- on the 10 jan 2009
    Then I should see a residual amount of 800.0 CHF.-
    When I call the Pay invoice wizard
    And I partially pay 200.0 USD.- on the 11 jan 2009
    Then I should see a residual amount of 561.48 CHF.-
    When I call the Pay invoice wizard
    And I partially pay 200.0 EUR.- on the 12 jan 2009
    Then I should see a residual amount of 232.68 CHF.-
    When I call the Pay invoice wizard
    And I completely pay the residual amount in CHF on the 13 sep 2009
    Then I should see a residual amount of 0.0 CHF.-
      expected: 0.0,
           got: 20.38 (using ==)

      @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
      ./features/account/wizard/step_definitions/wizard_pay_invoice.rb:84:in `/^I should see a residual amount of (.*) (\w+)\.\-$/'
      features/account/wizard/pay_invoice.feature:39:in `Then I should see a residual amount of 0.0 CHF.-'
    And I should see the invoice MySupplierInvoicePayWizard paid

Feel free to ask me more informations or remarks if you disagree with my opinion. Good luck to you !

