Comment 5 for bug 495072

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Ana Juaristi Olalde (ajuaristio) wrote :

There is a problem related to this way of invoicing. Imagine on your sales order you include stockable products and non stockable products (for instance shipping cost)
Set the order as invoice from packing, because you need invoicing real packaged products or invoice several packages.

Now... your shipping cost line stays always on sales order. You have to include it manually on invoice. It's more... you can't include this service as packing list cost because packing list lines are stock moves. So... the only way I found to include shipping lines on packing, is setting them as consumable (wich conceptually is totally incorrect, but it works). Stock of shipping cost is not relevant. It's always negative and it should not be taking in count to calculate warehouse value.

So... this is the "solution" I found to invoice services from packing, convert services on consumables. If it can be usefull.

Maybe, the correct way would be invoicing from packing real stock moves and including on generated invoice all services products included on orders related to invoiced packings, I think. But this point should be discussed on the related expert group.

Thank you!!
