Comment 68 for bug 452854

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Raphaƫl Valyi - (rvalyi) wrote : Re: Cannot validate invoices with foreign currency or price_accuracy=3

@Joel, all right, you cents tweaking is just a temp fix for multi-currency before a write-off so I perfectly agree with that I mean I think it doesn't fix at all what @sraps call issue 1) here.

@sraps, I agree with you. Now, if that's possible, we would still need a way to make the "perfect accounting counter case" look more appealing. Indeed, in ecommerce, it means you can buy a product 9 euros because the ecommerce used a VAT included method, while OpenERP will give you 9.0.1 euros (no matter if you try to use the tax_included modules). So that's not very appealing to ecommerce usage and we suspect that fixing a few things into the tax_included modules could at least make it possible to show same VAT included lines and invoices totals, while eventually having the cents delta only in VAT excluded lines which would be OK to the customer.

Finally we started a thread about that in the accounting expert mailing list ( ) because it scales better for debate, we also gave a clear example why extended floating precision on invoice amounts is a dead end.