Comment 16 for bug 381910

Revision history for this message
Grzegorz Grzelak ( ( wrote :

Hello, I have decided to publish the account_asset module at current stage.

Now it is in branch:

Current functionality:
    * Depreciation methods:
        - Straight-Line
        - Declining-Balance
        - Sum of Year Digits
        - Units of Production - this method can be used for individual depreciation schedule.
        - Progressive
    * Default accounts and other parameters for method types and categories
    * Method Parameters:
 - Starting interval (period)
 - Number of depreciation intervals
 - Number of intervals per year
 - Progressive factor for Declining-Balance method
 - Salvage Value
 - Life Quantity for Unit of Production method
        - Number of intervals calculated before current system (for continuing depreciation from other system)
    * Functionality:
 - Defining the asset in invoice when purchasing
 - Adjusting the asset value in purchasing Refund
 - Periodical entering of units of production
 - Periodical asset depreciation calculation
 - Sales invoice stops the depreciation and make final postings
        - Tracking changes in Asset History
    * Wizards:
 - Initial Values for continuing depreciation from previous system or other purpose
 - Revaluation
 - Abandonment
 - Method parameters changing
 - Suppressing and Resuming depreciation
 - Localisation changing
     * Postings direct and indirect
You can find quite big users guide in module description.

Known wishes not implemented:
- Calculating depreciation from given date (currently depreciation are calculated for whole periods/intervals only)
- Depreciation rounding
- Automatic tax depreciation starting (you can start tax depreciation manually with or without Initial Values wizard).
Above wishes are not used in my country and I don't think I can understand the needs correctly. I think these features should be developed by someone feeling better that nuances.
- Import wizard
This feature is needed as many system introductions will have to continue previous depreciations. But I am blind yet in importing. So you are invited to continue development.
- Multicompany
I can implement it for 6.0

Everyone is welcome to test and evaluate the module. According to your response I will fix bugs or make very small and safe improvements. If there is no critical response I will merge module back to extra-addons 5.0 in a week. I didn't keep any backward compatibility but I don't think it is problem as original module was unusable in any production introduction.

All the best
Grzegorz Grzelak