Comment 0 for bug 1189136

Revision history for this message
Moisés López - (moylop260) wrote :

1) Steps to reproduce the issue you have observed
  -Install purchase & audittrail modules
  -Create a audittrail.log to purchase.order object (delete, create, write) and add users
  -Push button suscribe
  -Open a P.O. and try delete
Video with test case:

2) The result you observed
File "/home/odoo/runbot/static/openerp-dev-7-0-13006/server/openerp/addons/audittrail/", line 462, in process_data
    name = pool.get(model.model).name_get(cr, uid, [resource_id])[0][1]
IndexError: list index out of range

3) The result you expected
Item deleted

4) The platform you are using (and browser version, if relevant)