Comment 0 for bug 1175599

Revision history for this message
Alex Comba - Agile BG (tafaru) wrote :

1. create a new PO
2. set Invoicing Control as "Based on Purchase Order Lines"
3. confirm PO
4. create invoice from menu: Purchase --> Invoice Control --> On Purchase Order Lines

The purchase.order.lines generated changes its invoiced status to TRUE , it should not change the state at all as the invoice is still in draft state. I would expect to get the same behaviour of the sale.order.lines, for this reason I want to point out the bug #1165533 that I also set as Duplicate of bug #974074.

I'm using:
Ubuntu 12.10, FF 20.0

OpenERP 7.0 with:
 # server revno 4697
 # addons revno 9090
 # web revno 3913

Thanks a lot.