Comment 31 for bug 1155679

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Ray Carnes (rcarnes) wrote :

What am I missing? Is this fixed?

I just tested your workflow Rafael, (Revisions: Server: 4906 Addons: 8920 Web: 3865) and got exactly what I would expect:

1. Create a new LEAD. Subject "HOT LEAD". Company Name "URSA". Contact Name "RAY".

2. Convert to an OPPORTUNITY. Conversation Action "CONVERT TO OPPORTUNITY". Related Customer "CREATE A NEW CUSTOMER". I observe URSA is created as a company. Is a Company is checked. RAY is listed as a Contact of URSA. I observe the opportunity is created for RAY (URSA) which takes me to RAY the contact if I click the 'Customer'. But really behind the scenes the partner of this opportunity is URSA (I checked in crm_lead table and the partner_id was for URSA).

CONCLUSION: The opportunity is NOT linked to RAY, but to URSA.

3. Convert to a QUOTE. I observe the quote is created for RAY (URSA) which takes me to RAY the contact if I click the 'Customer'. But really behind the scenes the partner of this quote is URSA (I checked in sale_order table and the partner_id was for URSA). When I generate the PDF, I see it is addressed to RAY at URSA.

CONCLUSION: The quote is NOT linked to RAY, but to URSA.

4. Confirm the SALE, Complete the DELIVERY, Create and Validate the INVOICE. I observe the Invoice is created for RAY (URSA) which takes me to RAY the contact if I click the 'Customer'. But really behind the scenes the partner of this Invoice is URSA (I checked in account_invoice table and the partner_id was for URSA). When I generate the PDF, I see it is addressed to RAY at URSA.

CONCLUSION: The invoice is correctly created for URSA, not for RAY.

5. Check the Aging. URSA shows up, RAY does not. Check the Accounting tab of RAY - Total Receivable is $0. Check the Accounting tab of URSA - Total Receivable is $1000.

CONCLUSION: AR is correctly created for URSA, RAY owes nothing.

6. Record a payment. When I select "RAY (URSA)" as the Customer, no outstanding Invoices are shown. When I select "URSA" as the Customer, the outstanding Invoice is shown and can be paid.

CONCLUSION: Payments can be correctly recorded from URSA.

Why am I not encountering any problems? This seems like a big deal - something I should be letting my customers know about but something is eluding me in my understanding or my use of OpenERP.

I would really appreciate you letting me know what I don't understand or what I am not doing properly in the software - I have several customers migrating to 7.0 as we speak and don't want them to run into any problems.