Comment 27 for bug 1155679

Revision history for this message
Raphaƫl Valyi - (rvalyi) wrote :


just illustrating if that's still not clear. You claim all you need is changing res.partner a bit. And I claim not at all.

Look at the following sample code from account/

pay_pro_id =,uid,[('name','=','property_account_payable'),('res_id','=','res.partner,'+str(partner_id)+''),('company_id','=',company_id)])

now consider that partner_id is suddenly the id of a company contact not carrying the account data as allowed by OpenERP v7.
Well you will never find your property with such a search/domain unchanged! And patching all the code would also force you to do more browses on res.partner or that is make OpenERP even slower for nothing.

So really it would take years and hundreds if not thousands of lines of to patch all the codebase (consider also all the community modules, localizations...). Meanwhile B) is only 50 lines of patch, no risk taken and one day of work if assumed now...