Comment 7 for bug 518483

Revision history for this message
ediaz (ediaz-pk25) wrote :

sorry doesn't run :-(

alex@alex-desktop:~$ openmolar --firstrun
trying to install your environment language es_ES.UTF-8
['/usr/bin/openmolar', '--firstrun']
translation tools are installed sucessfully
Version 0.1.9
Bzr Revision No. 640
linux settings
deleting any existing openmolar_demo database.... 42
creating database... 1
setting privileges for 'OMuser'
db created sucessfully
New database created sucessfully.
attempting to loadtables.... localhost 3306 OMuser openmolar_demo password
successfully loaded tables
putting a global settings file in /etc/openmolar unable to write to /etc/openmolar... we need root privileges for that
will resort to putting settings into a local file /home/alex/.openmolar/openmolar.conf
putting a local settings file in /home/alex/.openmolar ...ok
Could not resolve property : Strips1_1
DBNAME= existing_database
parsing the global settings file
not using ssl (you really should!)
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
checking schema version... no settings table! (1146, "Table 'openmolar_demo.settings' doesn't exist")
schema assumed to be 1.0
schema is out of date
no settings table! (1146, "Table 'openmolar_demo.settings' doesn't exist")
schema assumed to be 1.0
upgrading to schema version 1.1
running script to convert from schema 1.0 to 1.1
extracting estimates
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
converting data
exporting into newestimates table
now exporting, this can take some time
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
updating stored schema version
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
making the db aware of it's schema version
disabling old clients
/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/openmolar/dbtools/ Warning: Field 'time_stamp' doesn't have a default value
  cursor.execute(query, values)
updating stored schema version
upgrading to schema version 1.2
running script to convert from schema 1.1 to 1.2
updating schema to 1,2
created new table "forumread"
start_ix = 2
copied data from obsolete table OMforum
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
making the db aware of it's schema version
disabling old clients
updating stored schema version
upgrading to schema version 1.3
running script to convert from schema 1.2 to 1.3
creando tablas nuevas
alter table newfeeta...
alter table newfeeta...
alter table newfeeta...
alter table newfeeta...
alter table newfeeta...
alter table newfeeta...

CREATE TABLE if not...
actualizando configuraciones
update database settings...
making the db aware of it's schema version
disabling old clients
updating stored schema version
upgrading to schema version 1.4
running script to convert from schema 1.3 to 1.4
creando tablas nuevas

CREATE TABLE if not...

INSERT into feetabl...

CREATE TABLE if not...

INSERT into feetabl...

CREATE TABLE if not...

INSERT into feetabl...

CREATE TABLE if not...

INSERT into feetabl...

CREATE TABLE if not...

INSERT into feetabl...

CREATE TABLE if not...

INSERT into feetabl...

CREATE TABLE if not...

INSERT into feetabl...

CREATE TABLE if not...

CREATE TABLE if not...
DROP TABLE if exists...
DROP TABLE if exists...
copying data across from old feetable
actualizando configuraciones
update database settings...
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
making the db aware of it's schema version
disabling old clients
updating stored schema version
upgrading to schema version 1.5
running script to convert from schema 1.4 to 1.5
executing statements
alter table clinical...
alter table calendar...
alter table calendar...

CREATE TABLE if not...
transfering data
transfering data to new table, ... ok
actualizando configuraciones
update database settings...
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
making the db aware of it's schema version
disabling old clients
updating stored schema version
upgrading to schema version 1.6
running script to convert from schema 1.5 to 1.6
executing statements

alter table forum c...

drop table docsimpo...

CREATE TABLE if not...

CREATE TABLE if not...
transfering data
adding columns to the feetables table, ... altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_08_Adult
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_08_Child
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_09_Adult
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_09_Child
altering feetable feetable_HDP
altering feetable feetable_Private_2009
altering feetable feetable_Private_2010
inserting values
inserting values
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_08_Adult
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_08_Child
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_09_Adult
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_09_Child
altering feetable feetable_HDP
altering feetable feetable_Private_2009
altering feetable feetable_Private_2010
actualizando configuraciones
update database settings...
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
making the db aware of it's schema version
disabling old clients
updating stored schema version
upgrading to schema version 1.7
running script to convert from schema 1.6 to 1.7
executing statements

alter table feetabl...

alter table feetabl...
inserting values
inserting values
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_08_Adult
converting feetable_scotNHS_08_Adult to xml
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_08_Child
converting feetable_scotNHS_08_Child to xml
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_09_Adult
converting feetable_scotNHS_09_Adult to xml
altering feetable feetable_scotNHS_09_Child
converting feetable_scotNHS_09_Child to xml
altering feetable feetable_HDP
converting feetable_HDP to xml
altering feetable feetable_Private_2009
converting feetable_Private_2009 to xml
altering feetable feetable_Private_2010
converting feetable_Private_2010 to xml
actualizando configuraciones
update database settings...
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
making the db aware of it's schema version
disabling old clients
updating stored schema version
cashbook codes loaded sucessfully
initiating settings
closing connection
parsing the global settings file
not using ssl (you really should!)
New connection needed
connecting to openmolar_demo on localhost port 3306
bookEnd is 2010-12-31
WARNING - no supervisor password is set, restting to default
updating setting (supervisor_pword, 05b1f356646c24bf1765f6f1b65aea3bde7247e1) to settings table
saving setting (supervisor_pword, 05b1f356646c24bf1765f6f1b65aea3bde7247e1) to settings table
no clinician!
local user level settings file found....
surgery location
failure - <p>Unexpected Error updating the schema<br><br><b>'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 3: ordinal not in range(128)</b></p><br><br>Please File A bug by visiting <br>