Comment 15 for bug 672164

Revision history for this message
Rygle (rygle) wrote :

I'm wondering whether the OP had the "Sun Presenter Console", now called "Oracle Presenter Console", plugin installed in OpenOffice\LibreOffice. It's found here ( I find that presentations run fine using LibreOffice, except when the Presenter Screen plugin is installed. Basically you have both the Presenter Console and OpenLP trying to remote control Impress at the same time, and there ain't enough room in this town for both of them. I tried to use it with the Presenter Console extension installed but disabled, but get the same problem, but once I uninstalled it everything works find.

FYI I'm using Windows 7 Home Professional, OpenLP 1.9.4 build bzr1341, LibreOffice 3.3.2 RC2 - I had to choose not to install the Oracle Presenter Console while installing LibreOffice - I think I did that by choosing "Custom Install", and then when it asks about which components to install there's a section on Extensions toward the bottom. You can then install the Presenter Console extension plugin manually later, but for some reason if it's installed as part of the main installation Windows locks it and you can't uninstall it - I think it even appears with a padlock on the right side of the extension list if installed automatically with the main program.

Error message I get is;
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Documents and Settings\raoul\My Documents\My Projects\openlp\trunk\build\pyi.win32\OpenLP\outPYZ1.pyz/openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.messagelistener", line 275, in startup
  File "c:\Documents and Settings\raoul\My Documents\My Projects\openlp\trunk\build\pyi.win32\OpenLP\outPYZ1.pyz/openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.messagelistener", line 68, in add_handler
  File "c:\Documents and Settings\raoul\My Documents\My Projects\openlp\trunk\build\pyi.win32\OpenLP\outPYZ1.pyz/openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.impresscontroller", line 397, in start_presentation
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Presentation'


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Documents and Settings\raoul\My Documents\My Projects\openlp\trunk\build\pyi.win32\OpenLP\outPYZ1.pyz/openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.messagelistener", line 284, in slide
  File "c:\Documents and Settings\raoul\My Documents\My Projects\openlp\trunk\build\pyi.win32\OpenLP\outPYZ1.pyz/openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.messagelistener", line 99, in slide
  File "c:\Documents and Settings\raoul\My Documents\My Projects\openlp\trunk\build\pyi.win32\OpenLP\outPYZ1.pyz/openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.messagelistener", line 85, in activate
  File "c:\Documents and Settings\raoul\My Documents\My Projects\openlp\trunk\build\pyi.win32\OpenLP\outPYZ1.pyz/openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.impresscontroller", line 397, in start_presentation
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Presentation'


I find if I'm quick, before the first error comes up I can click on the Impress icon on the taskbar and it actually launches an instance of the Presenter Console from OpenLP and everything is relatively happy, but you have to be very quick. When running properly from OpenLP I see the Impress icon but clicking on it does nothing since OpenLP is doing the driving and that instance of Impress seems to be "headless".