Comment 0 for bug 1514894

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Azaziah (suutari-olli) wrote :

At the moment OpenLP uses 3 theme levels.

Song Level = Songs, Bibles and custom slides use their own themes.
Service Level = Everything uses service theme
Global Level = Everything uses global theme

If service Level is active, changing the Global theme has no effect and vice versa,
yet they are both visible in the UI at the same time.
Using Service/Global Level requires user to change their settings.
I think it would be much simpler to just combine the Service and Global theme level into one
and call it “Default Level” and control it from both, service and Theme manager.

Service theme name is saved into service files,
this means the service file will change the service theme on target system.
However, this only works if the target system has a theme with the exact same name.
I think this highly confusing and service files should not mess around with other machines
Theme settings since every computer has their own setups/font sizes/projectors.