Comment 7 for bug 1532634

Revision history for this message
Petr Chmelar (chmelab) wrote :

Hi, I'm finally running NetBeans in Xenial after changing netbeans_default_options in netbeans.conf according to patch
because of (as I reported)

It was necessary to disable plugins
Warning - could not install some modules:
 slf4j.api - org.netbeans.InvalidException: Netigso: /usr/share/netbeans/8.1/ide/modules/slf4j-dummy.jar: Cannot start slf4j.api state remains INSTALLED after start()
 org.eclipse.jgit - org.netbeans.InvalidException: Netigso: /usr/share/netbeans/8.1/ide/modules/org-eclipse-jgit.jar: Cannot start org.eclipse.jgit state remains INSTALLED after start()

Netbeans already knows about this:

Maybe it will be necessary to update the package. Thanks!