Comment 6 for bug 338329

Revision history for this message
Raphaël Valyi - (rvalyi) wrote :

Hello Christophe,

unfortunately your commit is not correct and worse it generate a new bug (regression) every time you try to make a picking or a move.

Indeed, we talked about merging the loc_id param with the context param. But we were mistaken because of wrong parameter names!!!
Indeed, the param called 'context' in stock_move#onchange_lot_id is actually a list of ids and should have been called ids instead.
Thus we get an error like "list has no method copy()" when running your code.

So instead I propose to apply my new patch over that, it revert your commit, apply my former patch which was correct and also rename the "context" arguments into "ids" in order to avoid such future mistake.

Please commit that patch as soon as possible because the new bug is really annoying I think.

Raphaël Valyi