Comment 20 for bug 1182101

Revision history for this message
Michel Meyer (michel-b) wrote :


After some investigations, the problem seems to come from One2ManyListView Widget and can affect any modules I think.

Bug description:

In short words, after that a one2manylist row has been saved and the next one is initialized, one2many list will listen to blurred event and call cancel_editor() too early.

Event sequences:

1. One2ManyListView listenTo "edit:before"

2. ListView:start_edition > ensure_saved() > deferrer resolved > call with_event(edit) > fire "edit:before"
// at this time, the editor.record is not yet set, it will be done in with_event callback...

3. One2ManyListView catch "edit:before" event, then bind _on_form_blur to "blurred" event from editor.form

4. FormView:widgetBlurred fire the "blurred" event

5. One2ManyListView catch "blurred" and _on_form_blur is called

6. One2ManyListView call cancel_edition()

7. ListView:cancel_edition: call editor.cancel()

8. Editor:cancel resolve a deferrer with this.record value (but this.record == null)

9. ListView:cancel_edition: at deferrer resolving, try to get from the resolve parameter... but attr == editor.record == null


One2ManyListView listen to "blurred" only when "editor:after" has been fired, instead of "editor:before".
It works when I test it manually, but I'm not a core expert, please check my solution and see if there's no side effects.

The patch is attached to this post.